Monday, September 22, 2008

Can't help falling in love

What comes to your mind when you see these couples? Do you see the love and expectation in their eyes? What do you think they want to say to each other? Do they even have to say anything to each other?

I believe not. There is great use of non-verbal language between lovers. It's true communication matters, but even before these couples get together, was it not their little antics that caught the eyes of their partners? It could be the way one looks at them, or how one talks looking down because he or she is shy. There are many things these non-verbal cues that could show how one feels towards another. It could be love between a couple, anger, shyness, and the list goes on.

What do you think of when you see someone wearing their wedding band? It is obvious when the left ring finger is filled, that the individual is married and taken. There is no need for the person to say anything more!

Non-verbal cues are important, but a relationship cannot last with just non-verbal cues. There definitely has to be verbal communication between two individuals. Therefore, I believe that it is with both verbal and non-verbal cues that communication works at its peak.

Why do I say that? Let's just say for instance, when you are at an interview, not only must you answer with confidence, your sitting posture, facial expressions and even what you do with your hands also matter. If you succeed in an interview, that would have been a combination of both verbal and non-verbal cues.

What about you? What do you think of verbal and non-verbal cues? Do you think one is more important than the other? Or like me, think that both are just as important?


kyun said...

I personally believe that non-verbal cues speaks much, much louder than what people can say verbally. The tone of your voice, the way you look at someone, your body language, and even the distance between you and the other person can show how you truly feel about the other person. Non-verbal cues are harder to disguise than verbal cues; there is bound to be something that will give you away.

However, communication, like you said, cannot survive on non-verbal communication only. Non-verbal communication can be easily misunderstood as well. Therefore, verbal communication must be present to repeat or substantiate what the non-verbal cues are communicating, so as to make communication less complicated and more easily understood.

Jerome Yeo said...

hey. i think that what u say is extremely true. verbal and non verbal cues are vital in building a strong relationship with anyone. The longer you know someone the easier it is to read his or her non verbal cues.

However i once heard this quote
"walking quietly with you was the best conversation we had"

sometimes i feel that you dun really need to say or do anything. the very fact that you are there and then with a person is enough to express how u feel.

what say you?

Jeremy said...

You're right, it is proven that 90% of communication is through body language.

But I've had encounters with people who look good but can't speak well. Somehow even if their body language brings across confidence and grace, poor oratory skill tends to distract my attention.

Letitia said...

haha looks like it's a balance of both verbal and non-verbal cues that one needs. OR perhaps it's the situation in which one could be in.. whatever it is, it's good to be consistent verbally and non-verbally i guess.

Anonymous said...

It is true that love can be expressed by bodily language. As the saying goes, Actions Speak Louder Than Words. So what if you tell a girl that you love her, when you don't show so. Whats the point of saying you're Sorry, when you don't plan or try to Change. Thus, actions do speak lourder than words. Its simple, and easy to understand

Anonymous said...

i feel that communication between a couple is important, esspecially must be honest with each other, not letting the other half worry. and not assuring that you truly love him/her.

hehe. got so much to say.. but rather not.


Anonymous said...

IMO I guess one cannot do without the other. Many of us have probably had situations whereby the person you were talking with did not even bother maintaining eye contact with you and it probably irritated the hell out of you. With such an example i guess there is reason to believe that for effective communication apart from the verbal cues (talking normally) there is also a non-verbal portion (e.g. eye contact) that both need to ensure to carry out effective communication between both parties.

Anonymous said...

both are important but nonetheless, verbal or non verbal cues can be conjured up anyways. perhaps to hide/protect certain weakness that one has. Because there will be times where by u can show or say the right words/actions but in your heart, u'r miles away.

Anonymous said...

I feel that non-verbal and verbal cues carry the same weight. One isn't as complete without the other.

Anonymous said...

yeah i guess they do have some weight. its really up to the individual and also at what stage of the relationship. at certain stages i guess sweet nothings mean alot more at earlier stages :p