Sunday, September 21, 2008

Senseless death follows from internet relationship

This is 21-year-old Jacqueline Beatrice Foo, who fell to her death while trying to clamber down nine storeys to elope with her 34-year-old boyfriend on July 16, 2008. Jacqueline was believed to have lost her footing and plunged to her death just as she had started to scale down the building to meet her boyfriend who was waiting in a car.

Her boyfriend was a cyberspace "predator" as he had allegedly befriended 25 young girls via Friendster.

The family, who stumbled upon her email password, had found a series of emails allegedly sent by the man who had, among others, "provoked" Jacqueline to flee her parents' home.They have also claimed that the boyfriend had mounting debts with loan sharks and only picked on girls from wealthy families. Foo, who began checking on his daughter's Internet friends, discovered that the man she was seeing was a widower with two children and used networking sites to chat up young women.

"We really believe that this guy played a major role in causing her death. If he had come to us in the right way, and proven to us that he could take good care of her, she would still be alive today " Jimmy Foo.

Indonesian-born Jacqueline, who held Australian permanent residence status, was believed to have met the internet "predator", Jack Ho, through a cyberspace chatroom, friendster, two years ago. After which, the easy-going, bubbly character who spent a lot of time swimming and shopping, besides making trinkets began to have changes in her character. Jacqueline's parents later found out that she had met in person the man she had befriended for two years over the Internet. “She started going out very often and would only return home late at night. There were even times when she would disappear for days with her boyfriend," her mother said.
In one email, dated the day she died, Jacqueline's boyfriend told her that she had to elope with him that night as she could be carrying their baby. The visibly distraught father, Jimmy Foo, said they had never expected such a seemingly innocent Internet friendship to lead to her death.
When I chanced upon this article, I was shocked to read that Jacqueline would be so foolish as to climb nine floors down with a mere raffia string. I guess that's what love can do to some people. They stop using their brains.

However, in the first place, can the relationship between Jacqueline and Jack be called love? They met on cyberspace and started a relationship that was possibly built on lies and deception. And look at the final result of it - A life lost and broken parents. So what exactly does a relationship between two people make up? And what are the results of that? Do the results lie with the individuals? Or is it simply what they do? Or perhaps, it's both.


Jeremy said...

If you actually take some time to read the emails, you may find that the boyfriend is quite dramatic and convincing. This is why I wouldn't blame Jacqueline for falling for his pleas to elope (because who would elope in the first place?). Yet, I find the premise of the relationship sufficiently questionable. It's not so much that the relationship was formed through cyberspace, but rather that it was forged between a young lady and a much older widower (with children I might add) saddled with mounting debt. This begs the question: could she have been a bit more discerning? If she was entering into a serious relationship with someone she met over the internet, it would have been prudent to probe further than just the veneer of his mere words.

Perhaps it was true love. But it was foolish to elope in that manner. If they really wanted to be serious, they should have come clean to her parents. Maybe they could have arrived at a more sensible conclusion regarding the baby. I'm in no place to judge though, love is indeed blind.

Jemuel said...

Well, I didn't read the e-mails, but I am pretty sure they must have been convincing.

What I am wondering is, is she that lonely? She had to resort to sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night just to see this stranger? Even if love is blind and makes you stupid, you can't be that stupid to the point that you can think of using rafia string instead of the stairs...

Anonymous said...

I think fallin in love to her means alot. The guy could be very much older but he still know how to get the girl. He could be really sweet and all. Jac fall for him cos of what he does in their relationship.

Well, being in love is a really good thing, if things go well. and sometimes u just really wan things to go well.

I do not agree on the elope part cos i feel being honest thru watever u go thru is very important. by doin so, Love will definitely be more meaningful.

It great to be in love. And i miss it.Sometimes. oops.. sorry. hehe..

Anonymous said...

True, I believe that the Guy had some part in causing her death. To my reckoning, I believe that is was peer pressure from that guy which resulted in her death. People, have to be Strong in times of dangerous situations. People have to Stand Up against what they fear most. In a relationship, if a guy keeps cheating on his girlfriend, one has to stand up for her own right, and not let get pushed around.
To all people reading this comment, I hope that you will learn from this, and stay strong, as anything is possible.

alethea said...

i do believe that the guy is the main cause of her death. i think that she is very foolish as to use a raffia string, which is extremely weak, to climb down nine floors. even if she wanted to run away, she could have used other means to escape, rather than using a life endangering method. since she was probably able to escape through the window, it was probably when her parents were not home. thats why i thought that she was very foolish so as not to think of another way to escape, since her parents were probably not home..

Anonymous said...

perhaps she's just finding a way out from her issue and so happen jack is there to save the day. However i feel that she gave too much room to affect her choices in what she do especially when emotions come into play, who knows what can happen. She wanted "freedom", emotions got the better of her, she became desperate for a way out. Nonetheless, it makes us really question what is love. TRUE LOVE to be exact. It's so watered down nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Sigh, yet another victim of online predators.

You'd usually think that victims of such online fraud would occur only to teenagers, but Jacqueline has certainly thrown that misconception out the window.

But then again, none of us can really determine whether Jacq and her dude were really in love. If they were, truly; then perhaps she died with no regrets. After all, love blinds, right?

Anonymous said...

i wish i can jio girls as well as that guy. but of course not until they die..

Letitia said...

hahaha i don't think anyone would like or want that..

mark said...

Of course, it's rather difficult for any of us to judge whether it was true love. This idea of love can be very murky at times because human feelings and emotions can be uncalculated just plain random sometimes.

These emotions can make us do funny things sometimes. I can say with full confidence now that I'd never attempt to climb down so many levels with raffia string, but I'll admit that my emotions may lead me to do some pretty weird things.

I hope I don't end up as someone else's blog post...