Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mass Media and its work on this earth!

This will be my last post! Thank you all for putting up with me and even taking the time to share your comments =)This week I will be discussing how mass media has changed the earth that we are all living on..

Let's first think of the television. For many, it is a source of entertainment, for others, news or even information like on the Discovery Channel. Not only do most of the households in Singapore have the Singapore based channels, they also have the SCV channels. I know for a fact that I really am not willing to live without a television. I have learnt plenty from the various channels and been entertained by them.

In the past, without the television, news can only be transmitted on the radio or through letters. The news is constantly lagging, and one cannot exactly check if the news is real or not. Now, not only can we get the news from the various news channels (CNN, BBC, channelnewsasia)at quick time, there is no lag; and if any one is unsure about what is happening, they can simply log on the internet to check if the information is true.

I remember that when the twin towers in the United States world trade centre had planes flying straight into them, it was happening in the morning of US, but back in Singapore at about 10-11pm, I was watching on the news the live footage of what was going on. In fact, I remember thinking to myself, "Is this another movie they're doing?"

If we did not have the television then or now, what do you think could have happened? Would the world be seeing what is going on exactly today? Many would still be in the dark of the sufferings of others in the other parts of the world, and many will still be living in their own circles.

... then there's the internet and its work in the world today.

At the mere age of seven, I got my first email address. That was the "beginning of age" for me with the computer. The computer is now my source of information, news and communication. I know for a fact that I now can't live without my computer, because without it, I would find it really inconvenient to reach people that I love or research for my school projects.

The internet has great search engines like google, yahoo and msn which helps one to find out information all over the world. I have seen advertisements, news and all sorts of things on the internet. There is skype, which helps me to communicate and talk with friends overseas and locally for free! The internet has become a tool for me to communicate and learn about products, people and things of the world. Without the internet, I believe I will still be very much protected, and would have lost contact with many of my friends and family who have moved overseas.

I don't know about you, but I certainly can't imagine life without a , computer or internet. What about you?


Jemuel said...

From how I see it, you seem to have missed the subject completely, or need to use a better title. "... this EARTH!" gave me the impression that you were going to talk about mass media and it's environmental effects, rather than the people (as the content covered).

Unknown said...

ha i think i see mr jemuel's point. perhaps a better title should do. but anyway, i understand how u cant live without the internet, i think neither can i.

alethea said...

i guess many of us who are more privileged are unable to live without the internet and the television. i do agree with what jemuel said but the title could be referring how mass media influences the way people work on this earth. but i guess it depends on how one would interpret the title.

Anonymous said...

i guess its cause we're so conditioned to having the luxury of TV and stuff

but actually those ppl in the past got by fine without it right haha

Anonymous said...

I believe that mass media has it's good uses, but an individual's acceptance/interpretation of it bears greater effect..

Anonymous said...

I agree that what you are trying to get at here is how evolving (or evolved) mass media have improved your access to information. Indeed, without all these gateways we would have been at a severe intellectual handicap.

But it is also important to note that mass media has a disproportionate amount of influence over our paradigms and values. What is disseminated over TV, the air or on the net can shape the way we think about what is considered socially or morally acceptable. Mass media has the potential to be hijacked for malicious purposes. Let's not forget that.

Anonymous said...

Well explained personal experience about the 'modernisation' of the Mass Media. It is true that people do aquire the use of computers at a younger age, and that the television tranmits scenes and images faster than we can every imagine. Well done...

Anonymous said...

I agree that mass media is here to stay and ultimately, we singaporeans need it for our information/entertainment/etc. I feel perhaps that issues like the impact and influence mass media has on this earth would be good. for example, the sterotypes television has on us.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is indeed quite hard to imagine life without my computer. The few times that it was down was kind of hell...

Anonymous said...

To me, the only good that mass media has brought about is Convenience. Aside from that, mass media, like everything else, has to be consumed in moderation and with much discernment. Too much of something is never a good thing, except if that something is God :)

Letitia said...

samantha, i totally agree with you =)